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Employee Spotlight: Claire Rueth

Employee Spotlight is a Cohear blog series meant to share more about the amazing individuals on our team.We are excited to introduce you to Clair Rueth, Cohear's Policy and Communications Intern

We’re so excited to have you on the Cohear team! How did you first hear about Cohear and what was your initial impression?

I initially found Cohear on Handshake and I was very interested in the description of your work, so I immediately went to your website to read some reports. The first one I read was about the Cincinnati bus system, and I personally have a huge passion for the accessibility of public transportation, so reading that made me excited to apply!

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and studies?

I’m originally from the Dayton area and now I’m a third year political science and economics double major at Ohio State. Some of my work experience includes interning at a nonprofit in my hometown, working for the federal government’s accountability office, and in the fall I grade for an essay writing class about political issues. Next year I’m looking forward to being a TA for my favorite political science class!

What are you most excited for in your role at Cohear?

I’m most excited to just learn more about and be involved in the current projects! I’ve already read the transcripts and quotes from some ongoing projects, and reading what people have to say about their communities has been really powerful.

Is there anything about Cohear’s work that you find most surprising or enjoyable?

I love how friendly and approachable everyone is. Just in our first meeting everyone was giving out their phone numbers and seemed excited to get to know us.

What are some of the goals you hope to get out of an internship with Cohear?

I’m really hoping to learn a lot about organizing at the ground level, gain some more experience writing and researching, and getting to know everyone on the team.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Passionate, optimistic, introverted

What are the three words you would use to describe Cohear?

Community, friendly, impactful

Do you have a favorite travel destination?

My parents just moved to Colorado from Dayton where I grew up, so I would say right now I’m excited to travel to Colorado to see them.

How about your favorite movie or TV show?

My favorite TV show is Fleabag on Amazon Prime. The writing is just so good!


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